Nursing Nook
The Nursing Nook is a weekly support group for nursing, lactating, or human milk feeding parents. Check out our social media for the weekly educational topic. This group is made possible with funding from High Country Lactation Care, Inc. Open to the public. All are welcome. Drop-ins encouraged. Free!
Every Tuesday 12:30-2pm at the Flagstaff Birth Collective
2717 N Steves Blvd, suite 11
Flagstaff, AZ 86004

Becky -
“I attended Nursing Nook for the first year of motherhood and felt empowered and refreshed in my spirit each time I made the meeting!”

Mary -
“I’ve had countless questions answered and have loved talking with women going through the same things I am. The group was not only a huge part of our breastfeeding success but also my mental health! Thank you for offering this free group!”